This site overlooks the sea where the famous naval battle of Salamis took place in 480 BC.
Salamina fighters tomb naval battle πολεμιστές Σαλαμίνα ναυμαχία τύμβος

The Tomb of the Salamina Fighters

This site overlooks the sea where the famous naval battle of Salamis took place in 480 BC.
Dionysus Theater, Art, Culture, Theater, Athens, Attica, The Theatre of Dionysus

The Theatre of Dionysus

In the Classical era the Theatre of Dionysus was where Attican drama was taught during the celebration of the Great Dionyssia.
Presidential Residence Prince Constantine Προεδρικό Μέγαρο διάδοχος Κωνσταντίνος

The Presidential Residence

Built in the late 19th century, the presidential residence was originally intended to be used as the residence of Prince Constantine.
Piraeus port Mediterranean Λιμάνι Πειραιάς Μεσόγειος

The Port of Piraeus

Piraeus is home to the largest port in the eastern Mediterranean and has played a crucial role in Greece’s storied history.
orphanage Vallianos church conservatory ορφανοτροφείο Βαλλιανός ναός μουσείο

The Orphanage

Dating from 1828, the orphanage's planning and construction was undertaken by Th. Vallianos.

The Old Chemistry Laboratory

For over a century the Chemistry Laboratory and the Faculty laboratories of Physics and Mathematics at the University of Athens, have occupied this building on Solonos Street.
monument Uknown Soldier Evzones μνημείο Άγνωστος Στρατιώτης εύζωνες

The Monument of the Unknown Soldier

In the late 1920s, architects E. Lazaridis and E. Dimitriades Rok designed the Monument of the Unknown Soldier.
Monastiraki metro station Athens Piraeus Μοναστηράκι σταθμός Αθήνα Πειραιάς

The Monastiraki Metro Station

Built between 1890 and 1895, Monastiraki Metro Station became the first steam-train railway connecting Athens and Piraeus.
Statue of Miaouli, Hydra, Miaoulis, Attica, Island, The Miaoulis Statue

The Miaoulis Statue

Standing on a plateau above the left bastion of the port is the imposing bronze statue of Andreas Miaoulis.