
The name alone raises expectations and prices. A hub for signature stores of top designers, expect to find more exclusive items on show here.

Almost everything you’ll find is either American or European and carries a corresponding price tag. The rest is from home-grown talent, but don’t let that put you off, as you’ll find much of it indistinguishable in quality and looks.

Streets to browse: Voukourestiou, Kanari, Milioni, Tsakalof, Patriarchou Ioakim, and the most expensive stretch in town, Anagnostopoulou – the Athenian home of Dolce & Gabbana, Dior, Versace, Ferre, Lagerfeld and Laroche.

Market Kind: Shopping DistrictAddress: Kolonaki, Athens
Area: Athens
Transportation: Metro Red (2) or Blue (3) Line / Syntagma Station




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