Just beneath the towering Acropolis, Plaka is surrounded by antiquities, Byzantine churches and other monuments, providing a glimpse into the city's long, rich history.


Just beneath the towering Acropolis, Plaka is surrounded by antiquities, Byzantine churches and other monuments, providing a glimpse into the city's long, rich history.
Summer Cinema Drosopoulou Square Philothei Θερινό Σινεμά Πλατεία Δροσοπούλου Φιλοθέη

Philothei Summer Cinema

This unique summer cinema is a tangible example of the everyday culture of the Athenians during the post-war years.
Phaliron War Cemetery Alimos Φάληρο Πολεμικό Κοιμητήρι Άλιμος

Phaliron War Cemetery

Assigned to the British by the Greek state was established by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission of the British Army.
Sculptures Pedion Areos Athens Γλυπτά Πεδίον Άρεως

Pedion Areos Sculptures

Sixteen marble busts of heroes of the Revolution of 1821 line the Avenue of Heroes in this national memorial site.
mansion, Pavlos, Koudouriotis

Pavlos Koudouriotis Residence

Built in the early 19th century, the mansion was bequeathed to Pavlos a century later.

Panepistimio Metro Station

Located in front of the University of Athens, this station houses a permanent exhibition of archaeological findings from excavations of large burial grounds.
Marathon night view lights

Panathenaic Stadium

The impressive Panathenaic Stadium is also known as the Kallimarmaro.
Pallas, building, Cinema

Pallas Cinema and Theatre Hall

In 1932, Athenian entertainment was transformed practically overnight.
Palamidas Hydra Vlychos

Palamidas (Voulgaris Mansion)

At Palamidas you can visit the impressive mansion of the Voulgaris family, a hugely important family on the island.